Monday, April 6, 2009

Doctrines of Religions versus Teachings of the Holy Scriptures

1. Sainthood: Other religions declare some to sainthood after death but, the Bible declare believers as saints while still alive.
2. Heaven or Hell: Others are not sure where their spirit will be going while still alive but the Bible tells us that while still alive; one could decide where for eternity his spirit will go and live.
3. Food: Others will not eat certain kind of foods while the Bible already declared that it may be eaten; it is of no importance today what to eat or not.
4. Day: Others are particular on the day of worship but the Bible says that it is of no importance.
5. Teachers: Others permit their woman to teach and even worst to become pastors but the Bible clearly opposes this role of a woman in the church.
6. Priests: Others still have priests that according to the Bible; their role is to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. But now, they are no longer needed because Christ is the ultimate offering and sacrifice for sins. Priests are no longer needed nowadays. Their role simply ceased after Christ’s death on the cross. There is no more sacrifices for sins now.
7. Faith Healing: This was a gift before to the Apostles but now no more; this gift was discontinued or withdrawn. Their gift was not just ordinary healing but instant healing, right there and then. (Tell me one you knew that could do it the way the Apostles did. I knew of one but, their patients were kept on coming back since they were not right away healed. ) This even up to the point of bringing the dead back to life. Other gifts also like speaking of tongues and prophesying were withdrawn. Sad but true.
8. Whom to Follow: Others follow all the teachings written in the Bible but, the Bible said to rightly divide the truth. Because, there are teachings intended for the Jews, so if you are a Jew, you should follow it. What are these teachings? The teachings of Jesus while still walking here on earth and the gospels of the 12 Apostles. What about the non-Jew? The non-Jews; referred to as Gentiles in the Bible should follow the teachings of Apostle Paul. These teachings are revealed to him also by Christ himself after His resurrection. And, I think that you and I are the Gentiles referred to in the Bible thus, we should follow St. Paul. With Paul, the seeming contradictions in the Bible are solved.

